
User-1045416066's review about The Walking Dead(2010)



Puntuación 10

15:43 07 de marzo de 2023

SpoilersPena que chegou ao fim😭❤️.Muito triste 😔

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So, this is supposed to be the final season, and this is how it ends? Are you kidding me? Instead of providing answers, it seems to generate even more questions. Honestly, this show has been on a downward spiral since Glenn's death, and it faltered once without Rick, in my opinion. The original main characters have disappeared one by one, and the new characters lack significant storylines that could seamlessly integrate into the show. After investing so much time, I can't even remember who some of these people are and why they're even here.
The eleventh season is truly remarkable. Each episode adopts a storytelling approach reminiscent of movies. Finally, we've reached the grand finale. You can even view the conversation between Maggie and Negan as a form of closure. However, after watching the last episode, it doesn't quite feel like the end. Perhaps they didn't intend to conclude the entire series, as it introduces the concept of an expanding universe of the undead in the closing scenes. Maybe the actors from "The Walking Dead" have simply grown too weary; so they find a way to pass on the story to new arrivals.
Me gusta
Buena serie, bien ambientada aunque se repite un poco después de ciertas temporadas. Historia interesante aunque un poco plana. Buena musicalización. Muchas muertes innecesarias
Muy buena serie que marcó mucho mi infancia, que aunque al final empieza a decaer sigue siendo una de mis series favoritas que sin duda volvería a ver.
Me parece una serie muy buien escrita y dirigida, las primeras temporadas fueron magistrales con su drama de muertos caminates, creo que devieron dejar la serie hasta la temporada 9 y no hasta la 11, ya que en la 11 el final no tuvo sentido la historia que estaban contando con todos los personajes nuevos que entraron. A diferencia de la 9 que tenia una historia mucho mas bonita y coherente con lo que ya venian transmitiendo, todos estaban teniendo una vida mas tranquila y en famialia todos unidos.
2. I would rank this series as my top 5 of all time despite the last few series being a tad disappointing. Maybe COVID affected the script writing but it did tail off. Enough of that and on to the good stuff. The early seasons are just phenomenal. It's less about the walkers and more about the characters and relationships they build and the challenges they face in trying to forge a life amidst the horror around them. And in fact, other people rather than the walkers prove more of a problem to them. There's so much to keep you on tenterhooks. Stories are told brilliantly, there's genuine terror and fear. A constant menace. The first 6 series are incredible. There are moments that you'll never forget. Moments that will shake you to your core. Moments that are just 'what the…’ It's genuinely moving at times too and that's where the early seasons are best. It's not a gore fest like the later ones. It's just great TV. This would have been a clear 10 but for the drawn out ending.