A down-on-his-luck adult film star sees a chance to make a comeback via a lesbian documentary film-maker, but she is exploiting him to get financial backing for her pet project.
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Plot Summary
A down-on-his-luck adult film star sees a chance to make a comeback via a lesbian documentary film-maker, but she is exploiting him to get financial backing for her pet project.
vimeo.com/203382827 vimeo.com/203382447 1. Using silence and negative space to create a realistic space and tension between cinema and life. 2. Folding reference points into the fabric of the narrative, scribbling outside the lines drawn by genre and convention. Cinematic and actual history are equally important. 3. The fourth wall is broken whenever the filmmaker sees fit, drawing attention to the filmmaking process through extra-narrative means. No technique is too outlandish to try once. 4. Technical largesse wrapped in a reserved tone. Big emotions hidden in cold grey atmosphere and vice versa. 5. Irreverence a must. Radical politics communicated without strain.…
Auteur FilmCritically acclaimedWritten by director