Blanca Nieves
Moana 2
La idea de ti
Mufasa: El rey león
It's Okay!
El amor menos pensado
Culpa Mia
TCS el espectáculo teatral para el Indie Fest Art Club Cinema Pavlos Paraschakis 2013-actualidad.
That's Life!! Kilorenzos $mith in Talks...
Ataktoulis & Borat's Vlogokatastaseis
Your Face Sounds Familiar
Leo & Tony's Parody Center Show
Funny Show Presents
O Leonardo ston Kosmo ton Paramythion Paramythion Synanta ton Rolfi ton Skylako
Kallitehnes en Drasei!!!
Ti Fasi?
Captain Jokes Parrot's Adventures
House of Fame: La Academia
Ta ihni mas... ta mousika
Run's House
America's Got Talent
I Can See Your Voice: UK
The Masked Singer UK
Hannah Montana
Dancing with the Stars
World of Dance
The Masked Singer
Don't Forget the Lyrics!
Country Comfort
Our Best Years
I familia
Sergiani stin paradosi
The Numbers
Super Influencer
Ora horou
The Secret Song
Fame Story
Dream Show
The Voice of Greece
Greek Idol
Paidiki hara
The Project
Una Familia Monstruosa