Cuando el teléfono suena
El viaje de Chihiro
Titanes del Pacífico
Porn to Be Free
Mea culpa
Aprender a soltar
Pídeme lo que quieras
Stacey Edmonds
Doug Turner
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Jai Koutrae
Gary Chance
Kim Reynolds
Az Jackson
Shane Scott
David Gambin
David Yeo
Ben Paul Owens
Terry O'Sullivan
Aaron Scully
Craig Steadman
Alex Sideratos
Jonathan Wiley
James Winter
Matthew King
Otto Heutling
Phil Phillips
Brendan Arlington
Gavin Peacock
Jeff Bye
Opposition Captain
Tomas Avins
Young Cricket Team
Jared Ball
Christopher Beacroft
Iris Bell
Cricket Team
Jordan Brooking
Greg Bye
Ted Bye
Dave Cooper
Grant Cooper
Ian Cooper
Shaun Cooper
Eithne Freeney
Brett Grebert
Detective 1
Kym Grima
Martin Grosvenor
Rod Grosvenor
Jordan Hagivassilis
Mette Hay
Terry's Wife
Lisa Hockton
Matthew's Customer
Justin Hooper
Ken Hungself
Ashley Johnston
Keith Langley
Sarah Linton
Ben Maclaine
Melinda McCallum
Dale McIntyre
Luke McKean
Terry's Son
Tom Neilson
Niall Owers
Jonathan Prescott
Rob Puffet
Robin Royce Queree
Harry Farquhar
Neil Rainey
Detective 2
Robert Ramka
Lisa Scope
Detective Thomas
Shaun Scott
Frank Spee
Michael Stinson
Janine Thompson
Detective 3
Dexter Edmonds Turner
Jonathan's Baby
Hugh Trenchard
Mark Wallace
Carla Weatherer
Police Officer
Simon Weatherer
Police Photographer
Josh Wheeler
Andrew Whitington
Luke Whitington