
Lautaro L's review about The Witcher(2019)

Lautaro L_peliplat

Lautaro L

Rating 8

13:34 17 November, 2021

Fantasy done right.The characters and storyline managed to grip me throughout the entire season and I enjoyed every minute of it. The casting seemed almost perfect and now, some of the characters seem like they could never be acted by anyone else. Many are saying it, but I have to agree that Henry Cavill does an amazing job in his role and his performance was one of the focal points that I enjoyed in the show.

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"The Witcher" boasts top-notch production, with excellent sets, sound effects, music, and visual effects, but fails at storytelling. The first season's narrative was unclear, and the second season continued this trend, attempting to juggle too many storylines at once without advancing the plot. The monster fights feel strained, and after a lengthy buildup, the monsters are defeated too easily, making for an unsatisfying viewing experience.
Uma jornada fantástica.Adorei a segunda temporada, até reassisti a primeira pra maratonar toda a jornada de novo. Acho uma produção incrível e que teve um nível altíssimo desde o começo, e tem muito potencial pra muitas temporadas- que eu não vou perder.
Cenas dos próximos capítulos.Em geral, gostei, achei só um pouco lenta e que podiam ter gastado menos tempo na Yennefer e mais na Ciri, pra poder avançar mais na história do que de fato vai rolar com o universo. Enfim, aguardo cenas dos próximos capítulos (desde que não seja um intervalo gigantesco).
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Henry Cavill, entre na minha casa e (CENSORED).Mas por que diabos chamam caçadores de monstros com uns poderezinhos de nada, de BRUXOS??