
Lautaro L's review about Apocalypto(2006)

Lautaro L_peliplat

Lautaro L

Rating 8

13:46 25 August, 2021

Intenso y visceral.Un drama de acción muy violento, brutal, intenso, visceral y con adrenalina ambientado en los últimos días de la civilización maya. Técnicamente sobresaliente e imposible de dejar de mirar, es una pieza de cine de género subestimada que evoca poderosamente una civilización que no sabe que está al borde del olvido.

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It's impossible to deny the talent and creativity put into this film by Mel Gibson and everyone involved. This is an underrated masterpiece. The conceptualization, casting, pacing, set design, and historical accuracy are all amazing. This movie is worth watching just for the 10 minutes of ancient Mayan city scenes with completely realistic sets. It's so breathtaking that you simply immerse yourself in the world, forgetting the fact that you are watching a movie.
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Almost every shot is incredibly powerful, evoking such a strong sense of the era to the point where all the praise and critique of this movie feel insufficient. The scenes of sacrifice are particularly impactful. Despite its length, the pacing is tight and compact.
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