
theohoratio's review about Watchmen(2009)



Rating 8

16:06 24 March, 2021

Darkness and morality.Based on the Alan Moore comic, this film perfectly captures the darkness and moral ambiguity of the source material. Despite changing the end, it is still consistent with the narrative and it has an unexpected twist.

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Hands down, the best superhero movie ever! Alan Moore's original work was already top-notch in the comic world, going deeper and broader than Marvel's main offerings. Zack Snyder's film elevates it even further with its film noir lighting, slow-mo shots, killer soundtrack, nods to classic movies, and the seamless blend of history and imagination in the opening sequence. And don't even get me started on the Ultimate Cut version! Those added animated scenes are just mind-blowing. Solid 9.5/10, without a doubt.
"Watchmen" really shook up my ideas about comic book movies. It's all about anti-heroes, so it's not like the usual superhero flick. Instead of just focusing on storytelling and special effects, "Watchmen" actually takes the time to develop its characters, which was a pleasant surprise for me.
De lo mejor
Imperdível.A produção é ambientada em 1985 e o tema principal é a ameaça de uma guerra nuclear entre EUA e União Soviética.
Oscuridad y moralidad.Basada en el cómic de Alan Moore, esta película capta a la perfección la oscuridad y la ambigüedad moral del material original. A pesar de cambiar el final, no deja de ser coherente con la narración y le da un giro inesperado.
Una de las mejores adaptaciones de la obra de Alan Moore.Zack Snyder asume la complicada tarea de llevar "Watchmen" a la gran pantalla y nos da como resultado una de las mejores adaptaciones de una obra de Alan Moore. La recreación de los personajes fue lograda a la perfección.
¿Quién vigila a los vigilantes?.Esta película se toma licencias creativas necesarias para convertir uno de los mejores cómics de la historia en una película de duración limitada con un formato narrativo completamente diferente. Aun así, Snyder consigue crear una de las adaptaciones más efectivas de un cómic de Alan Moore en la pantalla grande.
One of the best adaptations of Alan Moore's work.Zack Snyder takes on the complicated mission of bringing "Watchmen" to the big screen and the result is one of the best adaptations of Alan Moore’s work. The recreation of the characters was successful to the point of perfection.