
Jheronimo's review about Whiplash(2014)



Rating 5

03:19 09 May, 2024

Leal y contundente retrato de la obsesion, y como no lleva a los resultados esperados y jamas es un medio confiable Buenas intepretaciones y mensaje valioso, pero a mi parecer se vuelve un tanto monotona y predecible, y su final es un tanto ambiguo y dificil de creer

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Uno de los directores de cine más prometedores que tiene Hollywood hoy en día. Whiplash nos muestra la tirana, tóxica y obsesiva relación de un maestro y su alumno en el mundo de la música jazz, un joven aprendiz de batería que tiene todas las cualidades de ser el mejor, se enfrenta a la cruel forma de enseñar que tiene el gran J K Simons que ganó un Oscar por esta interpretación. Una mezcla entre violencia y tecnicismo musical que llega a adentrarte adición en el momento de mirarla. Una cinta llena de grandes actuaciones y una historia que se sumerge en la tensión y la calidad musical que sólo este director nos puede ofrecer. Protagonizada por un joven Miles Teller que nos brinda de sus mejores interpretaciones, pasando por todos los matices con tan corta edad. Las partes musicales son un deleite, las tomas y el montaje me parece de lo mejor que vi en los últimos años. Ya tengo 3 pelis favoritas de este señor, necesito que mis otros directores se pongan las pilas porque sino alguien puede ocupar su lugar.
The viewing experience is fantastic. I enjoyed the fast-paced narrative with its rhythmic edits from start to finish (especially its handling of music performances). It encapsulates the recklessness of youthful ambition and the complexities of life's puzzles. This film achieves what only a writer-director can accomplish. One viewer after the screening remarked that the film truly captures the essence and spirit of jazz drumming. Overall, it was phenomenal.
Many of my friends despise "Whiplash", but I love it, perhaps because I don't see it as a film about music. The despair depicting a person not destined for genius yet desperately striving for recognition,even by a tiny margin, is all too real. His pursuit is so painstaking,belligerent, and bordering on self-destruction that it emits a poignant absurdity, making him super relatable. Watching this film left mesaddened yet exhilarated.
The pacing in this film is simply superb, seamlessly merging jazz music with editing. J.K. Simmons delivers venomous lines like a machine gun, his profanity punctuating the lines as intensely and rapidly as the drumbeats. The cinematography used to film the pivotal drumming scenes is fragmented and quirky, yet the editing infuses the overall narrative with a relentless, accelerating rhythm. It's a shame the film remains fragmented; otherwise, it would truly be a film in the style of David Fincher.
Explosive! I believe every musician or performer who has poured heart and soul into their craft will find profound resonance here. That blend of reverence and fear towards a strict mentor, yearning to absorb their energy yet being pushed to the brink of suffocation, striving for technical perfection only to discover the myriad surprises and fears beyond mere notes... The film, akin to its jazz soundtrack, is an adrenaline-fueled labor of love: imperfect yet irreplaceable.
There is a thing about films portraying obsessed artists that involves so much pain and degradation. In my perspective, the good thing to see in this movie is that it leaves for the viewer to have their own opinion about it. Not set in stone.
The watching experience is so great! The editing is crisp and has its own rhythm (especially the handling of music performances). There are desperate rough youth and complex life. It can only be achieved by the same screenwriter and director. After the screening, the audience said that the film captured the spirit of drums in jazz music phenomenally.
Whiplash.People who only see the pain in the story, but not joy, have probably never seriously pursued anything.