
User-1116336584's review about Barbie(2023)



Rating 6

18:02 20 March, 2024

Muy buena. La película

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esta pelicula yo nunca me espere que Saldria un a pelicula de barbie enlos cines ya que visto muchas peliculas de barbie y que visto desde que soy pequeña estas son para dvd y television pero cuando salio el trailer yo nunca me espere que harian un live action de esta muñequita Barbie con lo cual muchas mujeres en su infancia anquerido tener una o que han tenido barbies en su vida esta peli de comedia romantica muestra como es el mundo de fantasia que vive barbie en un mundo el patriarcado lo tienen las mujeres y que ella al sufrir ciertos cambios en ella tiene que ir al mundo real para encontrar a su niña junto con ken ambos se aventuran donde ambos descubre la realidad del mundo real y un mundo que creyo que todos los problemas de las mujeres sean resuelto pero no es asi
pues la verdad la peli me gusto mucho pero no como para verla por repetido pero si es muy entretenida es divertida causas polemicas, momentos de amor entre otros sentimientos pero si me gusta no puedo decir que no pero si la califico con 7 extreñas porque la verdad no es mala peli pero para mis gustos no me convencio del todo, pero para ser realista estubo exelente porque no habia visto una peli de barbie anteriormente realista si no que mis hermanas solo la veian en caricatura estubo exelente la verdad y felicito la actora de barbie, Margot R. exelente trabajo
Barbie is a film that shows the different generations playing with Barbie, since when they were little they loved Barbie but this generation does not feel that, it tells how difficult it is to grow up and how men take over society in real life, and therefore That's why women take refuge in Barbie who is the owner of her destiny and who she wants to be. Throughout the story the doll herself realizes that she is hegemonic because society created that but in reality she is not perfect. The film is the adventure of growing up and how sexist society is today. I highly recommend her and even more so for those who grew up with Barbie.
Es una obra excelente, capaz de llevar a cabo una problemática social como es el machismo con humor e inspiración a todas las mujeres del mundo. Es reflexiva, fresca y femenina.
Barbie trashes the clichéd run-of-the-mill films churned out by Hollywood in recent years—it's truly a film of the new era! The movie overturns and reconstructs Barbie as a social symbol while also mocking the patriarchal society. To every friend who laughed out loud in the cinema, congratulations on receiving the ticket to enter the new world.
One of the most immediate impressions is that Hollywood has finally created a feminist film that works well in terms of both ideas and expression after numerous failed attempts. Barbie, originally designed as a toy to uphold patriarchal ideals, now reveals the fundamental issues and shortcomings of patriarchy.
Barbie falls short of the excitement touted in its promotion. The deconstruction and satire of patriarchy are far from profound; instead, it remains at a superficial level of self-discovery and having full agency and freedom. The controversy surrounding Barbie's image and its potential exacerbation of female appearance anxiety is hardly addressed. Essentially, it's a rehash of age-old themes but presented in a new packaging. Considering Hollywood's conservative and profit-driven nature, one can only regard this as a brave attempt at expressing feminism within the world's most profit-oriented film industry.
Muy buena película, exelente actuación, trama