
Paulo talk show's review about Manchester by the Sea(2016)

Paulo talk show_peliplat

Paulo talk show

Rating 8

13:48 10 February, 2023

Maybe this is life.Those friends who advised us to look forward should know that "not everyone can reconcile with the past". It is a story so sad but filmed calmly by the director. Maybe it is the excellence of this film. The subtle changes in the relationship between the protagonist and his nephew make people feel the importance of home and relatives; in the last scene, the hero and his nephew were fishing at sea, and the biting sea breeze was not warm at all. They maintained helplessness and frustration at the beginning, maybe this is life.

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Realista y dura.Manchester By the Sea es una historia de reconexión entre un tío y su sobrino al padecer trágicas perdidas, pero además es una historia sobre cómo afrontamos, enfrentamos y reprimimos el dolor. Grandísimas actuaciones, realistas y demasiado convincentes.
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