
Plantão Cinéfilo's review about Mystic River(2003)

Plantão Cinéfilo_peliplat

Plantão Cinéfilo

Rating 8

13:53 15 December, 2021

Leaves an emotional mark, if not a stain.I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this is one of the few movies I like by Clint Eastwood as a director, because though raw and gut-wrenching, it still manages to keep an undeniable sensitivity in its essence, and a certain aura of "the pitfalls of growing up", sort of like Peter Pan's Lost Boys, and not just because it says "Mystic" on the title, either. I think his particular edge comes through in the cast selection and their performances, which are impeccable (Sean Penn, anyone?), and, of course, the script and storytelling itself. Incredible movie. Recommend it endlessly.

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