The Journey of Chongzi_peliplat
The Journey of Chongzi_peliplat

The Journey of Chongzi (2023)

TV-14 (US) | China | Mandarin, Chinese | 44 min
Directed by: Kwok Fai Lau

With the annihilation of their king, Ni Lun (Yu Bo), the surviving members of the demon clan had no choice but to flee the immortal realm. Among those escaping to the mortal realm was the demon king's daughter, Chong Zi (Yang Chao Yue). With an uncertain future ahead of her Chong Zi's life is forever altered when the immortal, Chu Bu Fu (Gao Han) steps in to help. Grateful to her savior, Chong Zi is determined to repay his kindness by cultivating herself at Nanhua. But cultivation at Nanhua is not to be, as the prophecies surrounding Chong Zi predict she has a grim and terrible fate. Turned away by Nanhua, Chong Zi is surprised when the venerable Luo Yin Fan (Jeremy Tsui) agrees to take her on as his only disciple. Promising to protect her, the two might have shared an incredible life, had fate not decided to play a cruel hand. Meeting again in her second life, Chong Zi once again finds herself the disciple of the honorable Yin Fan, but again fate deals them a crushing blow. With fate so blatantly against them, can these star-crossed lovers find a way to alter their destinies once and for all?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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