Kissing the Ring Finger_peliplat
Kissing the Ring Finger_peliplat
Play trailer

Kissing the Ring Finger (2023)

None | Japan | Japanese |
Directed by: Toshio Tsuboi, Masahide Izumi, Hidemitsu Miyamoto, Moeka Miyazaki, Maiko Oh'uchi

Ayaka Haneda (Kanna Hashimoto) is a beautiful young woman. She is the youngest child of 5 siblings and her family comes from a poor background, thus Ayaka Haneda works to help support her family. Due to her extreme beauty, Ayaka Haneda is unable to keep a job for a long period of time. Difficult situations usually arise, like male co-workers falling for her and fighting over her. This kind of stuff happens everywhere she works and, by 3 months after she starts her job, she has to quit. For her latest job, Ayaka Haneda has a job interview with La Branche for a wedding planner position. Her interview goes terribly, but she is hired by the company anyways. One day, Ayaka Haneda is summoned by her company's CEO, Togo Nitta (Ryosuke Yamada). She expects to get fired, but he actually proposes to her.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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