Uroven ugrozy_peliplat
Uroven ugrozy_peliplat

Uroven ugrozy

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Vladimir Yankovskiy
This title has not premiered yet

Explosions, drugs, kidnappings - criminals today are ready for anything ... But if the threat of a terrorist attack is added to these common crimes today, professionals from the Federal Anti-Terrorist Service (FATS) are involved in the case. A year ago, FATS almost lost its best employee Martynov - his wife and daughter were killed in an attempt on his life. Martynov returns to the service and realizes that everything that happens around him adds up to a kind of puzzle, the creator of which is a very dangerous enemy. Possibly the most dangerous in recent history.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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