
Suburræterna (2023)

TV-MA (US) | Italy | Italian | 50 min
Directed by: Ciro D'Emilio, Alessandro Tonda

Rome, 2011. The government is in danger of falling, the Vatican is in crisis and the squares of the city are literally set on fire. In the middle world Cinaglia has tried to take up the legacy of Samurai and, together with Badali, continues to manage the criminal affairs of the city, with the help of Adelaide and Angelica, who remained at the head of the Anacletis, and of Nadia, who helps them manage the squares of Ostia. But there are those who no longer accept this system. New protagonists will take the field, upsetting the balance of Rome: thus begins a revolution which, from the Church to the Campidoglio and up to the beaches of Ostia, expands rapidly to erase everything that represents the past. Spadino will therefore be forced to return home.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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