
Judgement (2022)

None | India | Hindi |
Directed by: Ashoak C. Tyagi

Ahaana and Sujay fade up with each other, consults with their lawyers. Lawyer fuels fire between them and convinces them to file divorce. Both lawyers meets secretly and plans how to extort as much money as they can from them. The divorce case reaches in court of Judge Dharmadhikari who is known for his unconventional method of delivering judgments. Dharmadhikari feels the situation of this young couple and offers them quick divorce. To settle terms and condition he invite them to his official bungalow with rider to come without lawyers. Both lawyers knows the nature of Dharmadhikari so both makes a plan to checkmate him. In the meantime Dharmadhikari prepares a room for Ahaana and Sujay which is equipped with hidden cameras. Now both warriors are ready for Judgment.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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