The Peaceful Revolution_peliplat
The Peaceful Revolution_peliplat

The Peaceful Revolution (2020)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Ed Munter

THE PEACEFUL REVOLUTION is an award-winning series of musical social commentaries, positive perspectives, personal empowerment, and pathways to the future. The arc of the series unfolds like a journey with a friend along the back roads of our contemporary landscape. Our guide on this journey is a cross between a rural poet, a modern troubadour, and a country philosopher. Somewhere down the road less traveled, we explore the lies we tell ourselves, the challenges we face, and the truth we seek to find. Along the way, we realize that the solutions to our conflicts and the healing of our planet will not come from political systems or governments. It will come from us. Following a vision of unity, we discover a heart-centered world just a little further on up the road.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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