Love Unexpected_peliplat
Love Unexpected_peliplat

Love Unexpected (2022)

TV-14 (US) | China | Chinese |
Directed by: Jiang Tian Hang

Liu Ruochen (Yang Ting Dong) is a lawyer who suffers from anorexia. He has hired a personal nutritionist named Lu Fan Fan (Gong Wan Yi) to help him overcome his anorexia. She has attempted to prepare a whole host of delicious meals for him and has honed her culinary skills, but nothing appears to pique his interest. Their professional relationship has turned into something of a close friendship in the years they have known one another. She feels that this could turn into love, and that she feels romantically attracted to him. So one day, aged 33, she confesses her secret... But things couldn't have turned out worse. He rejects her advances, so she quits. Three months later, she has decided to start living in a new house, as part of an attempt to make a fresh start and put Liu Ruo Chen behind her. But the toilet of this new house hides an unexpected secret. When she falls asleep in this room, she is suddenly transported back 12 years into the past. She meets Liu Ruo Chen again, back when he was just 20 years old - and wasn't suffering from anorexia. Will she hit it off with the "past" version of Liu Ruochen?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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