Games 80_peliplat
Games 80_peliplat
Play trailer

Games 80 (2024)

16+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 60 min
Directed by: Evgeniy Stychkin

Having caused yet another scandal, the son of a Soviet politician finally gets his punishment. He is sent to work for the organizing committee of the 1980 Olympics. His supervisor is the daughter of a high-ranking military official, and she is not willing to cut a spoiled kid from a wealthy family any slack. Finding himself on the backstage of a major world event, he meets different people-athletes, coaches and his collegues from the organizing committee who change his perspective on life. Through their eyes, he sees all the drama surrounding the preparation for the biggest sports event of the country, which is on the verge of collapse.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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