V for Valor_peliplat
V for Valor_peliplat

V for Valor (2021)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Josh Flanagan, Jessica Mandala, Matiyes Kinker

An adjutant officer is handed the awards packet for a company commander. He reads the valorous account of the CO who saved his men with quick-thinking and tactical brilliance, recommending him for a Bronze Star with a V device. The reviewer begins looking through the documentation and supporting video as we segue into the found footage, which unfolds to tell a very different story. Each episode, we'll pick up the story from a completely different vantage point, with new understanding of the battle gleaned from each perspective. We'll also check in with characters present day as the reviewing officer interviews them to fact-check the account.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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