The Dating Scientist_peliplat
The Dating Scientist_peliplat

The Dating Scientist (2017)

None | India | Hindi |
Directed by: Aditya Raj Somani

Imagine what happens, when a man, who has practiced hunting via a spear for many years and has grown to become pretty good at it, suddenly realizes that there have arrived new advanced weapons which can do the same task more easily and efficiently, thus making his spear hunting skills almost obsolete. This realization is what has struck Vishesh, the protagonist of 'The Dating Scientist'. No, he is not actually a hunter (in traditional sense). He is a corporate employee, who happens to have solid marketing skills. But his unique marketing brain is on the verge of becoming useless, thanks to the newly emerging field of data science. Such is the aura of data science among urban employees nowadays, that each of them is thinking in his head - "May be data science is the new sexy", and Vishesh is no exception. Analytics India Magazine's new web series, The Dating Scientist, explores this transition to the new era of data and its effects on job profiles.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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