Teri Ulfat Mein_peliplat
Teri Ulfat Mein_peliplat

Teri Ulfat Mein (2014)

None | Pakistan | Urdu |
Directed by: Nain Maniar

Mashal is born in a wealthy family. She is arrogant and looks down upon people who belong to a lower social status. Fate dictates and she falls in love with one of her dad's servants, Shavaiz. All her pride and arrogance is shattered, when she finds out that she herself wasabandoned in a trash bin. Her father Hassan Baig had rescued her and given her his name. After finding out the reality she loses all her self-confidence. Shavaiz even after knowing the truth remains faithful to her. Mashal eventually realizes that it's not wealth but character of a person that matters.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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