Small World_peliplat
Small World_peliplat

Small World (2021)

None | Poland | Polish | 45 min
Directed by: Patryk Vega

In mysterious circumstances, a girl is kidnapped in front of her family home. The only trace of the incident is a Russian truck seen in the area. The girl's mother, supported by the policeman Robert, sets off in pursuit, but is unable to stop the kidnappers. Years later, still tormented by remorse, Robert finds a clue that allows him to come back to the case. The evidence discovered at the site of the explosion in a Russian tenement house points him to the trail of an international criminal gang. Meanwhile, in Bangkok, teenager Ola is forced to fulfill all the whims of a wealthy businessman. What will happen when fate brings the girl into contact with the Polish law enforcement officer?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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