Lie to Love_peliplat
Lie to Love_peliplat

Lie to Love (2021)

None | China | Mandarin |
Directed by: Chang Chen

A sudden change causes the destruction of Su Xie Yi's family, and the instigator points to her most beloved lover, Li Ze Liang. In order to investigate the truth behind the incident, Su Xie Yi pretends to have amnesia to get close to her former lover, Li Ze Liang. In this romantic and dangerous game, Su Xie Yi builds her trap step by step and in the end, Li Ze Liang's career falls through. However, as the truth of the incident is revealed little by little, Su Xie Yi realizes that she wrongly blamed Li Ze Liang. In her twisted own way, she was trying to restore the relationship. Li Ze Liang responds with a seal engraved with the names of the two. In order to protect and pass on this hard-won love, the two join hands in public welfare undertakings and become the most solid support for each other.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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