The Unbelievable Tales of C. J. Pumpkins_peliplat
The Unbelievable Tales of C. J. Pumpkins_peliplat

The Unbelievable Tales of C. J. Pumpkins (2021)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Vashmere Valentine

Social outcasts Asher, Sai, and Maya abandon their small town lives in an attempt to find the only person that understands them, a fantasy author named C. J. Pumpkins. But as they begin to piece together the hidden clues that have been left behind the teens are transported into the universe of C.J. Pumpkins best-selling books. Now these teens must face against the many dangers that exist in world of C. J. Pumpkins hoping that the next tale will be the tale to take them home.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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