The Lost Tomb 2_peliplat
The Lost Tomb 2_peliplat

The Lost Tomb 2 (2019)

TV-14 (US) | China | Chinese | 45 min
Directed by: Kwok Fai Lau

A group of daring young explorers reunites to take their tomb raiding adventures underseas, after a mysterious wreck is discovered in the stormy waters near the North Reef, in the Paracel Islands of the South China Sea. The group's protagonist is Wu Xie (Hou Ming Hao), a young explorer who comes from a family with a tomb-raiding pedigree. His uncle is a treasure hunter, and reading his grandfather's own tomb raiding journal is a constant source of motivation for Wu Xie. Wu Xie's quest begins when he receives a mysterious email, instructing him to come to a portside location if he wants to see his uncle again. He complies, and at a marina, is reunited with Ning (Li Man), who tells him his uncle's ship disappeared while he was helping her company investigate the wreck. Ning has been tasked with putting a rescue team together and has already recruited a number of tomb-raiding raiding mavericks and veterans to the cause. Upon - and below - the raging waves, they encounter a whole world of sea-bound menaces, including fearsome ghouls, haunted ghost ships, sea monsters, undead warriors, and armies of flesh-eating zombies. Can the tomb raiders defeat the dark forces they find at sea? And will Wu Xie discover key clues buried in his grandfather's journals that will guide him to the truth? This series, which was based on the internet novel "Daomu Biji," by Kennedy Xu, is the follow-up to the series "The Lost Tomb" (2015).

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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