
Poshta (2019)

None | Ukraine | Ukrainian | 45 min
Directed by: Maxim Gulenko, Pavel Mashchenko, Aleksandr Parkhomenko

Elena is arranged at the post office as a freight forwarder. Freight forwarder Andrew is not very satisfied with the new partner, he does not trust women at the wheel. But with time, sympathy occurs between Elena and Andrei, and not without the help of their children - Julia and Gleb. Andrew - a lone dad, Elena - a lone mother, it would seem that nothing can ruin their relationship - But the mysteries and mistakes of the past will play an evil joke on them - Passions run high in the post office as well. The head of the department Artem conquers peaks of post service and does not want to notice the employee Milana who dreams of gaining his heart. Artem's mother and his younger brother, Gena, also make adjustments to the department's life - All heroes face unusual situations every day but do not remain indifferent to the problems of clients of the post office, helping them to get out of difficult situations.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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