Sea Devils Northern Frontiers_peliplat
Sea Devils Northern Frontiers_peliplat

Sea Devils Northern Frontiers (2017)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Aleksandr Kartokhin

The continuation of the popular multi-part franchise "Sea Devils" in an updated form - the special unit performs difficult tasks in harsh conditions on the northern border of Russia. Officially, the special forces are now called "Seals." The group itself is recruited from professionals about 35 years old. Dad, Bagheera and Bison perform command and tactical functions in the series, although sometimes they are at the forefront of the action. Officers of the Nerpa special forces group are guarding peace and order of the northern borders of the country in the border port city, on the shores of one of the northern seas. They fight evil in all its manifestations. "Seals" not only protect the northern frontier of the state, but also hunt for saboteurs, traitors to their homeland, neutralize foreign special units. Heroes fight smugglers and ensure the safety of important witnesses. They free the hostages, ensure the safety of deep-sea expeditions and research, stop attempts to destroy the oil production platform, render harmless the enemies in an attempt to discredit the year-round Northern Sea Route, and many others. etc. In general, the most difficult, most dangerous and unpredictable tasks are what they do every day.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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