Voices of Liberation_peliplat
Voices of Liberation_peliplat

Voices of Liberation (2022)

16 (NL) | Belgium | English |
Directed by: Koen Mortier

'Voices of Liberation' is an 11-part documentary series about the international commemoration route which joins together the important milestones of the Second World War. The route forms a chain between the most important regions during the advance of the western allies. The series guides us along this route accompanied by local hosts who each one of them have a link with the Second World War. Along the actual facts told through the use of personal documents (letters, diaries, memoirs, ...) they also tell us their personal stories, which offers the public an alternative view of the events. In addition, this television series does not only focus on the story of 'the Allied liberator', but also on that of 'the civilian', 'the resistance fighter', 'the collaborator' and even 'the enemy'. Therefore, 'Voices of Liberation' wants to find a balance with this angle by giving a voice to all people, from different angles and with different backgrounds, which will give us insights into the minds of the people who lived, fought and in the best case, survived the Second World War.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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