Double Bonus_peliplat
Double Bonus_peliplat

Double Bonus (2012)

None | Singapore | Chinese | 60 min
Directed by: Miao Fang Su, Kuang Yong Wong

Jin Wen Tao (Shucheng Chen) and Shu Jiao (Mimi Chu) own several BBQ meat stores around the island and business is thriving. Their elder son Jun Jie (Terence Cao) and daughter-in-law Mei Feng (Zoe Tay) help out at the stores, and their second son Jun Yang (Yaodong Zhang) and daughter-in-law Isabella (Michelle Chia) just started a new and modern BBQ meat concept store with the intention of international expansion. Shu Jiao prefers Isabella to Mei Feng even though the latter is the one taking care of the household. Mei Feng tries all ways and means to get pregnant, one day after paying an annual pilgrimage to a wishing well, she is possessed by the God of Beauty. And their tenant, Romeo (Thomas Price), is possessed by the God of Wealth. Mei Feng becomes a changed person and chaos ensues in the Jin household. Everyone starts to appreciate Mei Feng's hard work towards the business and the family. It is time for the God of Beauty and the God of Wealth to reincarnate, and coincidentally Mei Feng and Isabella are pregnant.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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