Monday Tuesday Banana_peliplat
Monday Tuesday Banana_peliplat

Monday Tuesday Banana (2020)

None | UK | English |
Directed by: Brian Luff

Monday Tuesday Banana is an award-winning animated sketch comedy series produced by Brian Luff and Georgina Sowerby at Studio Senseless in London. The show features a ramshackle cast of animals, insects, germs and humans who perform surreal and often confusing sketches. The series was created by Brian Luff, who also directs and animates the shows and co-writes it with his partner Georgina Sowerby. He and Georgina also supply the voices for the characters. Winner: Best Web/TV Series, New Cinema Film Festival, Lisbon 2020. Finalist (Animation), Flickfair 2020. Sowerby and Luff's short-form animated comedy shows are distributed by Twisted Mirror TV in London and NovoComedy in Paris.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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