UFOS and Paranormal Phenomena_peliplat
UFOS and Paranormal Phenomena_peliplat

UFOS and Paranormal Phenomena (1995)

None | Finland | Finnish, English | 300 min
Directed by: Juhan af Grann

A documentary series with an incredible claim as its central thread: that UFOs and alien civilizations have played a crucial role in the development of humanity throughout history. Juhan af Grann does not seek answers to the mysteries of the human mind and the universe from a single perspective, but rather takes an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, complementing it with perspectives from religions and intuitive experiences. Juhan af Grann approaches the subject through more than 100 experts and interviewees. The series features the best-known top scientists from North America, Russia, and Central Europe who are professionally involved in the study of UFOs and paranormal phenomena.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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