Humans of the World_peliplat
Humans of the World_peliplat

Humans of the World (2020)

None | UK | English |
Directed by: Marco Biagioli

Humans of the World stands out as a unique window into the lives of people around the world diving into unexplored stories and revealing the richness of the human experience. Marco and Erica take viewers on an eye-opening journey through interviews that explore the lives of individuals from all walks of life and all over the world. Each episode features unique narratives that capture the very essence of human diversity, the challenges, the triumphs, the shared experiences. The Show entertains, educates and connects through universal empathy shedding light on the stories of people who might otherwise remain in the shadows. With each episode, Marco and Erica reaffirm the power of storytelling to bring people together and celebrate our global diversity.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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