Sweet n Sour_peliplat
Sweet n Sour_peliplat

Sweet n Sour (2020)

None | India | Hindi |
Directed by: Sambhav Jain, Garima Marwah

Isha and Kabir, as alike as chalk and cheese, are not the best examples that come to mind when talking of ideal siblings. They don't talk, they don't fight, in fact they barely know what's happening in the other's life. While Kabir is an extroverted live in the moment kinda guy, Isha is more reserved and apprehensive in her choices. Being academically brighter, Kabir got a scholarship in a prestigious boarding school where his parents enrolled him when he was in class V and by the time he came back home, the connection between the siblings was lost. Isha already felt that their parents gave more importance to Kabir, either due to his being smarter or due to his being away for so long. They didn't share much in common and didn't even feel the need to. Rituals like rakhi were done out of habit and nothing more. It's not like they hate each other, but there is not a lot of liking either. A sort of passive relationship, if one must define it. The lockdown changes something though. Over the course of 5 episodes, we get to know about these two individuals, their personal problems, their relationship with each other and how they help each other navigate through life.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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