For the Love of Jason_peliplat
For the Love of Jason_peliplat

For the Love of Jason (2020)

TV-MA (US) | USA | English |
Directed by: Michael Vaughn Hernandez, Deshawn Plair

Jason is the guy who always has it together. In fact, he's one of the most desirable guys in Los Angeles - he's educated, financially stable, and has no baby mama drama. When he broke off his longtime college relationship, his stock value shot through the roof and he gets caught up in the bachelor lifestyle, not realizing that life is passing him by. One by one, his friends move on, including his frat brother Erick who is newly married, and his some times engaged friend, Bryan, leaving Jason the odd man out with his newly divorced friend Lacy. He now feels pressured to catch up and finds himself in awkward dating encounters. Through it all his friends are there helping him along the way. For the Love of Jason will truly give women a man's perspective and follow Jason's journey in the beginning of a new life that America will grow to love.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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