Fire, Water and Rusty Pipes_peliplat
Fire, Water and Rusty Pipes_peliplat

Fire, Water and Rusty Pipes (2017)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Andrey Khrulyov

Ekaterina Udaltsova (Marina Denisova) - an energetic provincial, has been living in Moscow for many years and runs a business here. Katya has her own clothing store, recently she paid off the last loan for it and became a full-fledged owner. But big plans are not destined to come true. Her store fell under a program of demolition of illegal buildings near the metro. Having lost everything for which she worked all these years, the woman returns to her native city to her mother. Seeing that the houses in her area are in disrepair, and the employees of the local housing and industrial complex (ZHPK) are inactive, Katerina herself decided to seek the truth. The search for justice leads her to the mayor's office to a former classmate Boris Timokhin (Vasily Kozlov), who suddenly offers her to lead the ZHPK herself. Catherine agrees. And although she has no experience in this field, she eagerly takes up the case. However, Catherine's zeal does not resonate with either the team or the residents. In addition, she has to manage her classmates -

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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