One Woman_peliplat
One Woman_peliplat

One Woman (2020)

None | Israel | Hebrew | 6 min
Directed by: Tal Brenner, Michal Gassner, Dana Lerer, Ilana Reina, Limor Shmila

True stories of 6 women who chronicle the various experiences that reshaped their approach to passion, sexuality, and relationships. This diverse group is all played by the same actress based on interviews she made with women who wish to remain anonymous. One Woman turns the spotlight onto female sexuality and in doing so, allows an altogether fresh point-of-view on women; on education; on breaking convention. It is a song of praise for the female gender in all its shades and therefore all project creators are women. Each episode is made up with a different cast of women.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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