Love All Play_peliplat
Love All Play_peliplat
Play trailer

Love All Play (2022)

15 (KR) | South Korea | Korean | 70 min
Directed by: Jessica Blue, Jo Woong

Park Tae-Yang (Park Ju-Hyun) was a promising badminton athlete. Due to an incident, she left the sport of badminton. 3 year later, she decides to join the badminton team Eunice. Her life once revolved entirely around badminton and now she returns to the sport that she dreamed of playing. Park Tae-Joon (Chae Jong-Hyeop) is a badminton player. He views the sport as nothing but a job to him. He gets cut by the city hall team and signs with team Eunice. There, Park Tae-Joon meets Park Tae-Yang.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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