Stronger Than Fate_peliplat
Stronger Than Fate_peliplat

Stronger Than Fate (2014)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Aleksandr Khvan

Anya, a kind industrious girl, lives with her mother Irina in the small village. All her life Irina works hard to ensure a better future for her daughter, but the family is barely making ends meet. Once a son of the head of the village administration - spoiled and self-willed Gleb comes to attend a local holiday. All the girls are crazy about him, but he looks only at Anya, whom he never noticed before - But Anya's romantic dreams suddenly go to the background when the family gets into trouble. Irina, defending herself from the harassment of a bandit, accidentally kills him.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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