A Hot Mess_peliplat
A Hot Mess_peliplat

A Hot Mess (2015)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Toni Ann Marcolini

A Hot Mess follows the life of self absorbed attorney Robert Stevens as he navigates personal turmoil and manages his law office. His unlucky in love secretary Jess, is a tough New York girl, that is the real boss of the office keeping him in line. The office environment is pure chaos, with Robert's ex-wife, Michele, coming and going, his teenage son, Warren, working there part-time, law school intern, Edward, trying to learn from the worst mentor of all time, his one night stand, Catherine, fast becoming his perennial nemesis and his new love interest, Cassie, hates him. It's sure to be a fun ride.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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