Stay with Me_peliplat
Stay with Me_peliplat

Stay with Me (2016)

TV-14 (US) |
Directed by: Billy Hin-Shing Tang, Edmond Yuen

Joe "Qiao En" Chen (Easy Fortune Happy Life, Fated to Love You) and Wang Kai (Nirvana in Fire) star in a romantic drama about a woman who gets everything she ever wanted, only to realize it came at the price of the very person she wanted to share it with. Li Wei Wei (Joe Chen) is a 30 year-old fashion designer who has already achieved more than most do in their entire lives. But after an accidental drowning, she loses every memory of the last seven years. Now, in Wei Wei's mind, her life is the way it was when she was 23 years old, a young fashion design wannabe who was deeply in love with Chen Yi Du (Wang Kai). Seven years ago, they were inseparable. Today, he is a bitter ex. Confused by what caused this seemingly sudden change, Li Wei Wei investigates, only to learn that the hectic life of a success-driven designer essentially engulfed not just the love she shared with Chen Yi Du, but also the charming, dreamy-eyed girl that she was seven years ago. Meanwhile, as Li Wei Wei begins to regret her recent actions, the person most directly impacted by this change is Qi Cheng (singer actor Qiao "Kimi" Ren Liang), her current fiance who is doing everything in his power to stop his love from reconnecting with her ex, and to also rekindle the relationship they had prior to the accident. Li Wei Wei, however, has decided that she is once again going to be the person she was before the success that took her old life from her. But can she ever get back everything she has lost without losing everything she has achieved? Stay With Me is directed by the team of Ruan Wei Xin, Chen Guo Hua and Billy Tang, with script writing by Qian Jing Jing and Xu Zi Yuan. Lead Qiao En Chen, a.k.a. Joe Chen, also acts as producer for the drama, alongside Yu Yue. The series proved to be the last for actor Qiao Ren Liang, known fondly to his fans as "Kimi," who committed suicide after a long battle with depression less than a year after the release of this drama. Stay With Me debuted on Hun

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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