Ley & the Key of Life_peliplat
Ley & the Key of Life_peliplat

Ley & the Key of Life (2014)

None | Austria | English |
Directed by: Patrick S. Marshall

When young and innocent Ley runs away from the sheltered life of Conclave 5, a religious stronghold in a world where only left over clones roam after the world has succumb to wars and worse, a series of events are set in motion that may lead to humanities survival, or its final end. Shortly after her escape from the totalitarian Bio-dome known as Conclave, Ley gets into trouble, but is rescued by a small band of adventuring mercenaries. When a local Warlord learns of Ley and that she carries a Key of Life, a powerful system key, he sends out agents to get a hold of her.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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