Coming Distractions_peliplat
Coming Distractions_peliplat

Coming Distractions (2017)

None | Canada | English |
Directed by: Gina Simone, Mikelle Virey

Cinema Six is the last independent movie theatre in Knollton, and Rebecca is excited to leave her job at a generic big-box corporate cinema to join the management team at this small, family-friendly venue. It's a strange new atmosphere for her as she meets Darvis, the eccentric owner; Andrew, the pragmatic General Manager;Trevor, the junior cinephile and her Staff: naive Jordan, misfit Sunny, dreamer Isobel, and tough-guy Frank. Every week features a new movie and new hopes for success at the theatre; however, corporate rival MegaFilmPlex tries to foil them at every turn. As if those sabotage attempts weren't bad enough, they also have to deal with George, the malevolent goose in the parking lot, a mysterious missing sixth theatre, meddling from the local Mayor and other coming distractions.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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