
Ámbar (2016)

None | Chile | Spanish | 60 min
Directed by: Felipe Arratia, Enrique Bravo

Matilde is an apprehensive single mother who loves her daughter, Ambar, above all things. With little time on her hands, this working woman has no alternative but to entrust Dany, the local school bus driver, with the task of taking her young girl to and from school. Dany is a funny unassuming guy who genuinely cares for the children he's responsible for; he sometimes even acts like a big kid. Ambar's appreciation for him grows into admiration, and soon Dany becomes the embodiment of what she wishes for in a dad. At work, Matilde discovers that her new boss is Cristobal Moller, the man who left her more than eight years ago without knowledge that she was pregnant. While he is ready to seduce her again, she'll learn that there is something she wants more. Dany not only stole her daughter's heart; he won her over too.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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