The Money_peliplat
The Money_peliplat

The Money (2016)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Egor Anashkin

Alexei Barannikov is a talented Soviet scientist. Being very young and careless, he accidentally falls into disgrace with authorities and is expelled from Moscow. His loving girlfriend Lyuda decides to go with him. Hard times come in the life of the Barannikovs. For many years Alexei has been trying to patent his inventions in vain, and all household worries fall on Lyuda's shoulders. One day Alexei becomes an accidental witness to the murder of a counterfeiter. This event coincides with the most severe crisis in the life of his family. And Alexei ventures on a reckless scam that promises to change his dull gray life overnight.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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