Never Forget Then_peliplat
Never Forget Then_peliplat

Never Forget Then (2017)

None | Taiwan | Mandarin | 60 min
Directed by: Xiaohai Shen

Time Ran Ran, when we recall the distant "these years" Impression is like a precarious, material poor age; Can be the people at the time, but still full of hope in the hardships, Young people in the ignorant in the exploration, toward tomorrow, The elderly struggled in their lives and tried to settle down. Big-time background of the unknown "those things" Has a multi-ethnic customs of the custom, but also the integration of the province and other provinces symbiotic, Both the dependents to take root of the warmth of the past, but also the beauty of the humanities of Formosa; This section of the cross-strait 60 years of history fragments, It is worth us to invite the audience to memorize this period of time memories - .

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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