The White Frontier_peliplat
The White Frontier_peliplat

The White Frontier (2002)

None | France, Canada | French, English |
Directed by: Emmanuel Roblin

Three of the world's most promising young scientists in their fields of expertise, together set out to conduct a systematic exploration of the "white frontier." For these people, the "white frontier" is the line of ice separating the world above (the ice field) from the world below (the ocean's depths). Like two separate planets, these worlds are inhabited by different creatures: On one side are beluga, bowhead whales, narwhals, and arctic fish; on the other side are polar bears, seals, and walruses - Yet, these animals are only able to survive by regularly venturing beyond the limits of their own world. These forays across the white frontier are precisely what our heroes aim to study. How do certain mammals break through the ice in order to breathe? How does the polar bear manage to smash the surface to catch fish? How are other animals able to use the meager reserve of air trapped between ice and water? How is the seal able to divide its life between the two sides of the obstacle?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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