Mustangs FC_peliplat
Mustangs FC_peliplat
Play trailer

Mustangs FC (2017)

PG (AU) | Australia | English | 25 min
Directed by: Corrie Chen, Roger Hodgman, Ana Kokkinos, Fiona Banks, Tori Garrett

MUSTANGS FC is a goal kicking comedy drama about girls who are abandoning the sidelines and starting their local football club's first all female team. Against the odds, they'll stand united and overcome any challenge the club, the boys or the opposition can throw at them, all while wrestling with what it means to be a girl today. As well as playing great soccer, this girl squad have got to work out how to be a friend. A sister. A daughter. A girlfriend. And how all that may be hard or sad or ridiculously crazy or laugh out loud funny. But when you've got your team mates behind you, there's no better feeling than playing like a girl.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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