The Rag Trade_peliplat
The Rag Trade_peliplat

The Rag Trade (1961)

PG (GB) | UK | English | 30 min
Directed by: Dennis Main-Wilson

Fenner Fashions makes women's clothing. Reg Turner (Reg Varney) is the downtrodden foreman on the shop floor. The machinists are all women, led by their union rep, Paddy Fleming (Miriam Karlin). The stories are all about the schemes the machinists get up to to make life hard for the boss, Harold Fenner (Peter Jones). The foreman's life is also made hard by the women, who have him around their little finger. Each week there is a special order to complete, and the machinists make heavy work of things.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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