Los ricos también lloran_peliplat
Los ricos también lloran_peliplat

Los ricos también lloran (1979)

PG (US) | Mexico | Spanish | 20 min
Directed by: Rafael Banquells, Fernando Chacón

Mariana Villareal marries Luis Alberto Salvatierra. Recently arrived from their honeymoon, Luis Alberto must leave on on business. When Leonardo Mendizabal, Don Alberto's partner, stops by the house to say hello, Mariana faints into his arms. Luis Alberto witnesses this embrace and becomes convinced that his wife is cheating on him. When the doctor confirms that Mariana is pregnant, Luis Alberto refuses to believe the baby is his, forcing Mariana to give her baby up for adoption. But regrets and the pain of the loss of her child soon drives Mariana to begin a search for her child that will dominate her life from that moment on.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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